In order to better serve you we ask that you read below before filling out this form.

Order/Quote Requests:

If you are looking for a order/quote request for an existing CIL product please create or login to your account and place your order/quote request online.

Please do not request orders/quotes using this form.

All other inquiries, aside from order/quote requests can be sent by completing the form below. 


Ask the Experts | Contact Us

Customer Service: 1-800-322-1174 ; Main Number/Reception: 1-978-749-8000


Note: when emailing either of the email addresses listed above, please be sure to include your complete contact information, including company, address and phone number. It is also helpful to include an  Application Area of Interest such as any of the following: MS, NMR, NMR + MS, Environmental, Environmental + MS, Trace Element Analysis, Breath Test, CTM, Custom Synthesis, Deuterium, Forensics, Gases, Nuclear Medicine.

For Accounting Requests (Invoices/Payment Inquiries) email:

Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc.
3 Highwood Drive
Tewksbury, MA 01876

CIL Account Coordinators are available from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time Monday through Friday.